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  • jodanmarketer

How to create Tuo or Di3huo

It is usually made out of unfermented maize flour and corn flour although a few also use wheat germ. It is such a beautiful healthier dish with a great deal of umami flavors.


2 Trainers Maize Flour

1/2 Cup Cassava Flour

1 Litre Cold Water

1 Litre Hot Water


Separately sieve the flours to ensure it is fine, smooth and free of bumps.

Add boiling water to achieve a thin light porridge since it thickens up.

Add 1 Cup of Maize flour and simmer to create a smooth dough.

Once nice a smooth, add in 1/2 cup Cassava flour and mix quickly to incorporate.

This quantity of water depends on the amount of Tuo and your desired texture. But an extremely soft Tuo is recommended.

Also, add a bit of boiling water, cover the kettle and permit the Tuo to steam until cooked.

Mix it up nicely into a soft and smooth consistency and serve it straight into your serving bowls or into sandwich bags as demonstrated in the movie.

Serve your Tuo using Ayoyo soup and a few Waakye Stew. Enjoy.

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